March-April / September-October 10.00am – 7.00pm
November-February 10.30am – 4.30pm
May-August 10.00am – 8.00pm
Ticket: € 3,80
Reduced (groups 6-14 people), students, senior: € 3,00
Free for children up to 6 years old
"The tower terrace offers a stunning view of the city"
The tower was initially named by the Pope, and later renamed Moro probably in relation to that of Raffaele di Sante called “the Moor”(which gave its name to the district and the building beside the tower). The tower stands in the heart of the city in the crossroads between Corso Cavour, Via del Duomo and Via della Costituente as a majestic center piece of these streets.
The tower is open internally and has stairs leading to a spectacular terrace, where you can enjoy a beautiful 360 degree panoramic view of the city. Adjacent to the tower is also the beautiful Palazzo dei Sette, named in medieval times because it housed the seven judges who represented the major corporations and trades of Orvieto.
Near the Torre del Moro
- Palazzo del Popolo (60 mt)
- Palazzo dei Sette
- Restrooms
See other “medieval symbols” of Orvieto