"Elegant symbol of the city"
Visit of the theatre, from Wednesday to Saturday: 10.00am – 1.00pm / 4.00pm – 6.00pm
Ticket: € 2,00
Guided Visits for min 4 people (by reservation only): € 5,00
The tradition of the theatre in Orvieto, as public representations, probably has ancient origins, but only in 1527 we have a certain documentary evidence of the presence in town of a public space used as a theatre. This space had its place in the upper floor room of the Palazzo del Popolo At that time, the theatrical performances were organized and carried out by a group of actors that are part of the ‘Accademia dei Confusi”.
In the following years, the theatrical activity in Orvieto continued with the Accademia dei “Misti” and became appreciated and with a collective participation that increased year by year. For this reason in 1838, a group of Orvieto citizens decided to founda a society with the aim of achieving a new, modern theater of the city.
So, in 1862 the work was completed for the construction of the theater, with a neoclassical style, according to the architect Virginio Vespignani project. He was very active in Orvieto and he also worked in a design and restoration of several historic buildings.
Inside the theatre, there are the statues of the Vespignani and the painter Fracassini (author of impressive portrayal and the great curtain on the canvas-theatre) . Two other statues (produced by local sculptor Paul Pollidori) represent, the brothers Marino and Luigi Mancinelli. Since 1922 the theater is entitled to the memory of Luigi Mancinelli, large and esteemed composer and musical director.