The origin of the name has two interpretations. One is that it originated from an ancient race that took place here, known as “Corsa del Saracino”. The other refers to “serralancia”, the term given to the residents of the neighborhood that had to lock the city gates in case of siege. The symbol of two crossed axes recalls the idea of “closure”

History and Legend” are the main themes of the south-west side of the city. History is well represented in Piazza della Repubblica by the Palazzo Comunale and the Church of S.Andrea. This sqaure has been the core of political and social life since the Etruscan times. The church is full of secrets and history: its basement (visit by appointment and reservation) holds the foundation of pre-existing structures from the Byzantine and Etruscan eras. The legendary component is linked to two buildings in Via Loggia dei Mercanti: an ancient site possibly of the Templar Knights and the Polidori Tower, associated with an ancient local legend.


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Pictures from the Quartiere Serancia

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