Ristorante Le Grotte del Funaro

Via Ripa Serancia 41 - Orvieto

The cliff of Orvieto holds a cave dug by hand, which has seen in centuries past the birth and development of the ancient rope weavers. Today this cave is a typical restaurant where you can enjoy the traditional flavors, renewed in unusual harmonic combinations: truffles, porcini mushrooms, game and a variety of sea food. Quality products and excellent wines from the well stocked cellar.

The environment with walls and vaulted ceiling carved from the tufa rock, which is on several levels, are friendly and full of charm and history.

The summer veranda allows you to eat outside and enjoying the beauty of the landscape surrounding the cliff. In the medieval heart of Orvieto, 10 meters from the lift that connects the parking lot “Campo della Fiera” to the historical center.

Tuesday to Sunday
Lunch: 12:15 PM – 2:30 PM | Dinner: 7 PM – 10:30PM
Monday closed


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