Ristorante I Sette Consoli

Piazza Sant'Angelo 1/A - Orvieto

In 1992 Mauro, a former banker and Anna Rita, housewife, opened “I Sette Consoli.” The cooking is from the territory, with some fish dishes; Anna Rita’s hand is always more secure over time, the simplicity and the great search for raw materials are the main theme. The constant quality is certainly the “trademark.” After 23 years, Serena and Clare alongside their parents in the continue the business. A large cellar with about 900 labels from around the world and more than 100 spirits.

Restaurant occupies the former sacristy of the Church of S. Angelo, warm interiors, recently renovated, are furnished in a modern style with wood that exudes warmth and the classic feel of “home.” In summer you can dine in the beautiful orchard garden with old roses and wrought iron gazebo where you can enjoy a glimpse of the famous Duomo. Cuisine, great wines and the most beautiful garden of Orvieto!

Closed: Wednesday and Sunday evenings


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