
What to See

What you can not miss in Orvieto

Information about tourist attractions in and around the city of Orvieto. Useful information for travelers who want to discover and visit the city of Orvieto and its great historical heritage among from the Etruscans, Romans and through the Middle Ages. Here you can find information about what to see in Orvieto, the main sights and monuments such as the Duomo, Pozzo di San Patrizio and Etruscan sites of the city. There is also information about city museums, churches, itineraries, suggested day trips, and local artisan traditions.

Orvieto, the Duomo

The Duomo

A symbol of the city itself, the Duomo is one of the most beautiful in Italy. An italian masterpiece in gothic and romanesque sytle. Not to miss to visit the interior with the two great chapels.


Pozzo di San Patrizio

A renaissance period construction, this huge well is an ingenious work with a suggestive descent of 248 steps…

museo archeologico di orvieto


The museums of Orvieto show finds and treasures from the Etruscan era, great collections of vases, ceramics


The Undergrounds of Orvieto

The city has an incredible amount of tunnels, cavities, natural and artificial to visit. 4 are the main underground sites to visit: Orvieto Underground,  Pozzo della Cava, Labirinto di Adriano and the underground of the church of Sant’Andrea basement.


The Medieval Quarter

The ancient medieval quarter, passing from the panoramic Ripa Medici towards the church of San Giovenale (the oldest in Orvieto), a succession of alleys, climbs and descents that overlook the surrounding area. The church of San Giovenale has extraordinary 15th century frescoes on the walls.

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Lo staff Orvietoviva è composto da professionisti nati ad Orvieto e che vivono in città. Competenza e passione per far conoscere Orvieto in tutti suoi aspetti.
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