Orvieto Train Station & Store Luggage

Orvieto Train Station

Orvieto has its own train station in Piazza Matteotti, Orvieto scalo (https://goo.gl/maps/Tc6diXK8zTFeTA5d8) which is on the important route between Florence and Rome and is well connected with these cities that can be reached in about 1 hour to Rome and 2 hours to Florence.
At the ground floor of the historic building there is a a coffee bar offering the possibility of serving quick meals and, in front of it a Taxi stand in Piazzale Matteotti. Just in front of the train station building, crossing the street there is the funicular station. Read more about the funicular and buses services of Orvieto.

At the coffee bar you can also buy tickets for the nearby funicular, the Orvieto Carta Unica, and bus tickets. For information on timetables and trains visit the national website of Trenitalia (www.trenitalia.com).

Orvieto Welcome Info-point – Piazza della Pace (Orvieto Scalo)

The Welcome Point of Orvieto is located in Piazza della Pace next to the large parking lot behind the train station and funicular (from the train station you can go downstairs), and next to the camper area. It is easily accessible by car following the directions for the local Strada della Direttissima. Click this link to see on the map: https://goo.gl/maps/HfKrbuZkWmDy1rqJ7

The welcome info-point (open from March) is a good starting place for visitors, with a large parking lot (free for cars, and 45.00 euro for tourist buses), restrooms, coffee bar, information desk providing the following services:

Tickets sales (funicular, local urban buses), City pass, City map, souvenir, luggage storage service, typical products shop (wines, food, chocolate…).

Once you get there, it’s very easy to reach the funicular. From the square there are few stairs then go under the train station underpass for few metres and you are in Piazza Matteotti. Just in front of you, 20 metres far there’s the funicular station.

orvieto piazza della pace

Rates – Luggage Storage service

Large size luggage : € 5,00 from 1 to 4 hours / 4 additional hours  € 3,00 / € 15,00 for 24 hours
Small size luggage: € 3,50 from 1 to 4 hours / 4 additional hours  € 2,00 / € 10,00 for 24 hours

Contact E-mail: orvieto@bon-italy.it

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Lo staff Orvietoviva è composto da professionisti nati ad Orvieto e che vivono in città. Competenza e passione per far conoscere Orvieto in tutti suoi aspetti.
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