Recommendations, FAQ, answer and useful tips about Orvieto. We have collected many questions about Orvieto and here we give you answers to frequent questions.

Questions and useful before your arrival in Orvieto

How can I get to Orvieto and where can I park my car?

You can come to Orvieto via A1 highway (exit Orvieto tollhouse). From there to the city center follow the local signposts (you will take about 10′ driving). Once you are in Orvieto you can park your car in the main parking lots of the city (Campo della Fiera or Via Roma). They are payment parking area and covered. Otherwise you can park your car for free in Orvieto Scalo, Piazza della Pace and then reach the upper city center taking the “funicolare”. More information about on this page:

Is there a luggage storage at or near Orvieto train station?

Yes, there’s a service at the Info-point in Piazza della Pace. They provide luggage storage service, all days from 9.00 am to 6.00 pm. Upon request there’s a possibility to store luggage 24h. More details here:

How long does the funicular take to reach the city center?

The funicular is very quick and it only takes approx. 5 minutes to reach the city center, Piazza Cahen. More info:

Is Orvieto and accessible city with wheelchair?

Most town is accessible, the train station and funicular are accesible and also the majestic Duomo cathedral (with ramps) is accessible with wheelchairs. The city streets are cobble stone. Generally streets are not steep, except for the Medieval Quarter around Via della Cava (very steep).

What are the top city attractions?

Orvieto is a city with a long history, it’s almost 3000 years old. For this reason there are several places and monuments to see. In this page you can find the main sights and the most famous city attractions:

Are there guided tours of Orvieto ?

Yes, there are many guided visits and escorted tours to do in Orvieto. You can find a detailed list here:

Is there a bike rental shop in Orvieto?

Yes, you can ask for bike rental and bike excursions in this page:

Questions and useful during your stay in Orvieto

Where do I find restaurants or trattorias with typical local cuisine?

In Orvieto there are several restaurants and trattorias that propose typical cuisine, take a look at this page and learn more about the typical meals of Orvieto

I spent some days in Orvieto and I found a nice shop in the city…but I can not remember the name of that shop, could you help me?

Yes, we can please tell us the products of that shop, email us at so we try to localize that shop!

What do you suggest to visit around Orvieto?

Around Orvieto there are several nice locations to visit. Please visit this page to get more info:
or this page: to read about suggested day trips and destinations.

Please in order to get more info or customize question, fill the general form of the website homepage or send us and email at

Please take a look at this page to know 5 reasons to visit Orvieto

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Lo staff Orvietoviva è composto da professionisti nati ad Orvieto e che vivono in città. Competenza e passione per far conoscere Orvieto in tutti suoi aspetti.
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