Orvieto-San Casciano dei Bagni

From Orvieto take the road towards Allerona, through town and the village of Bardano Pianlungo. Continue keeping an eye out for signs for Park and Villalba Allerona, as soon as you cross through Allerona, characterized by the beautiful medieval Porta del Sole. If you wish to stop, a small street on the left leads to the gates of Villa Cahen a beautiful 18th Century villa surrounded by forest. From here you turn left onto the road to Trevinano/San Casciano dei Bagni.

From here you can walk for about fifteen minutes and arrive at the beautiful Tuscan village of San Casciano, which has a famous spa. If you bring a bathing suit, you can visit the village just outside San Casciano, which has thermal water pools, open to the public. Just 3 kms far from San Casciano there is an interesting small borough with the medieval Castle of Fighine.

Villa Cahen (Allerona)
Tel: (+39) 0763.628317
E-mail: utb.assisi@corpoforestale.it

45 km ca.

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