Orvieto Parking

Orvieto, due to its characteristic of historical center on the top of  its picturesque cliff plateau, provides certain and specific areas for parking. Part of the city center is a limited traffic zone (called locally ZTL) or pedestrian only, therefore it is convenient to park your vehicle in dedicated areas. There are 3 main car parks in Orvieto, that of the Orvieto Scalo, free for cars (Piazza della Pace, also known as parcheggio della funicolare) and those of Via Roma and Campo della Fiera (paid parkings) in the city center.

Orvieto Cars Parking

There are several visitor parking options in the center of Orvieto: street parking and public parking lots.

Street Parking: visitor street parking spots in Orvieto are outlined with blue lines. These spots are “pay parking only” and the rate is €1.50 per hour (rates are subject to change and may vary by area) until 10.00 pm.

Parking Lots: here is a list of the main parking lots in Orvieto. You must pay at the grey parking ticket machines and they are usually located on the side of the parking lots.

CAMPO DELLA FIERA PARKING – (ex Foro Boario)  – This parking lot is located near the old Medieval Aqueduct and is one of the largest parking areas in the city. (map: https://maps.app.goo.gl/Y3tA3nUgeZePZsxs7). The lot can be accessed from the Strada Statale or the Umbro-Casentinese Conce road. This parking area has garage with direct access to the city center by elevator, escalator or stairs located at the path, or Via Ripa Medici. Both methods lead to the side of Orvieto near Piazza della Repubblica.
The elevator Ripa Medici is free and open from 7.00am until 2:00am while the escalators are open from 7.00am until 9:00pm. The parking fee of Campo della Fiera is € 1.50/hour.

VIA ROMA PARKING – (map: https://maps.app.goo.gl/K5S7QBjRQK4xggvg9) In front of the former barracks there is a large covered pay parking lot.The parking fee is € 1.50/hour. From this parking you can easily reach (100 mts approx) one of the main city street: Corso Cavour.

Other parking areas in Orvieto center – Piazza Marconi has many visitor parking spaces and is located directly behind Piazza Duomo, Piazza XXIX Marzo and Piazza del Popolo. This parking lot has a mix of visitor and resident parking so be sure to only park in spaces outlined in blue. The visitor parking is €1.50/hour, rates are subject to change and may vary per lot).

Piazza Cahen – This parking lot has a mix of free and payment parking. The visitor parking €1.50/hour, rates are subject to change and may vary per lot. In Piazza Cahe, there is also the funicular station and the starting point of the local mini bus.

PIAZZA DELLA PACE PARKING (Orvieto Scalo) – This is a large parking area in Orvieto Scalo. (map: https://maps.app.goo.gl/ixKF1CGo37KqEaxw5) Coming from the tollhouse follow the sign posts towards Hospital and then towards Strada della Direttissima (you can also find a large sign post Parcheggio Funicolare). After 250 metres this parking area is on the left. It’s free for cars while tourist buses has to pay € 45,00 per day.
In this square there’s also a coffè bar, restrooms, store luggage service and funicular ticket office. From this area is very easy to reach the city center. Passing under the train station subway you reach Piazza Matteotti where the station of the Funicolare (funicular) is located. Taking this cable car and in a few minutes you reach Piazza Cahen (Orvieto). The funicular runs all days (every 10-15 minutes). See more information about the funicolare here: https://www.orvietoviva.com/en/orvieto-transportation/

Parking areas for tourist buses

Tourist buses can park in PIAZZA DELLA PACE (Orvieto scalo) a large square below the train station equipped with restrooms, coffee bar, luggage storage service, info point, funicular tickets and Carta Unica city card. The city center can be reached by the funicular (about 2 minutes and half) or by urban bus. The parking is for free for cars while tourist buses parking cost € 45,00 per day. Another place to park tourist buses is at “Piazza d’Armi” at the Caserma Piave in Orvieto center.

Rules and regulations for tourist buses

Bus Parking lot of Piazza della Pace, in Orvieto Scalo (close to the Orvieto train station, equipped area with restrooms, tourist info-point and tickets office, cafeteria, store luggage service).

This large parking is ideal for bus parking. Daily fee for each bus is € 45.00
Reservation and payment through the web platforms MyCicero or Mooneygo or payment on spot at the bus ticket office (Piazza della Pace).

Bus Parking lot of Orvieto center at Piazza d’Armi at Caserma Piave.

Bus parking area in the city center (near Piazza Cahen). Daily fee for each bus is € 45.00. Reservation and payment through the web platforms MyCicero or Mooneygo.

Loading and unloading

Possibility for loading and unloading of bus passengers at the points below:

  • Caserma Piave
  • On the Side lane of the parking lot of Campo della Fiera

The operation of loading and unloading can not last more than 20 minutes, each bus can perform a single operation of ascent and descent its passengers. After the operation buses can park in one of the bus parking areas at the established daily fee.

Reservations and information for tourist bus parking:

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