
Montecchio si a small town with 1,700 inhabitants in the green Umbrian countryside, surrounded by fertile farms of vineyards and olive groves. For this reason this particular area of Orvieto excels in the production of wine and extra virgin olive oil of the highest quality, as evidenced by the presence of the Olive Oil Museum at the historic Frantoio Bartolomei. Things to see in the countryside around Montecchio: the Etruscan necropolis (Archaeological area Vallone San Lorenzo), Ancajani Palace and the Museum of Rural Life. Nearby Montecchio is Alviano with a beautiful castle and the WWF natural oasis.

Necropoli Etrusca di Copio (del Vallone)
Tel: (+39) 349.0642786
E-mail: montecchiostorianatura@gmail.com

Oasi di Alviano WWF
Tel: (+39) 333.7576283
E-mail: lagodialviano@wwf.it

36 km ca.

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