Orvieto-Montalto (seaside)

A perfect itinerary for lovers of the sea and nature. Taking the road from Orvieto to Bolsena, San Lorenzo and Castelgiorgio past the Bolsena Lake and villages of Grotte di Castro, toward Canino and Montalto di Castro.

Our recommended destinations are immersed in the upper Maremma Lazio area, almost bordering Tuscany: Ischia di Castro, Lago di Mezzano and the parco di Vulci. Ischia di Castro is in the wild area of Selva di Lamone in the Lazio region, wildlife-rich forests and trails (trails are the famous Sentieri dei Briganti, areas covered by the most famous bandits of the past years) where there is also Lago di Mezzano, of volcanic origin.

The town of Ischia is located on the site of the ancient city of Castro. The old Castro was a model city of the Renaissance and in this period had the great splendor. However, ancient historic and prehistoric traces reveal that Castro has ancient origins and has gone through many different eras. Today archaeological remains of the city are witnessing a rapid decline at the behest of Pope Innocent X in 1649. Leaving Ischia di Castro and along internal streets it is a 20 minute walk to the sea, surrounded by olive trees, the parco di Vulci. There is also an old castle, now home to an interesting Etruscan museum. Entering the park you can admire the archaeological remains of great interest and the beautiful medieval bridge overlooking the Fiora river, the border between Lazio and Tuscany.

From here you can take different directions to continue the journey to Tarquinia and Montalto di Castro both seaside towns. Montalto di Castro is rich in Etruscan remains. Inland Tuscia is closed by and also full of Etruscan remains. The beautiful Pitigliano is also rich in monuments and because of its architectural features is called the small Jerusalem.

85 km ca.

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