Orvieto City Map

orvieto city mapRight when visitors arrive in Orvieto they can easily find the Orvietoviva free map of the city with main monuments, streets, squares, museums, main churches and local businesses, restaurants, hotels, pizzerias…
Map is free and is very useful to discover and experience the city of Orvieto at its best.

You can use your smartphone or tablet to scan the QR Codes on the map and listen to the brief audio guides of the main monuments and churches of the city!


Find our free city map here:

You can find the map for free in the main points of arrival (as shown below) and in any of the  businesses who joined the Orvietoviva Map project and in our stands placed in and around the city:


  • Info-point in Piazza della Pace (Orvieto Scalo)
  • Buffet della Stazione (Train Station Piazza Matteotti, Orvieto Scalo)
  • Funicular Kiosks station (Piazza Cahen, town center)
  • Covered parking lot of Via Roma (Town center)
  • Covered parking lot of Campo della Fiera/Foro Boario (Town center)
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Lo staff Orvietoviva è composto da professionisti nati ad Orvieto e che vivono in città. Competenza e passione per far conoscere Orvieto in tutti suoi aspetti.
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