Events, traditional festivals and holidays in Orvieto, and the surrounding areas. There are many exciting events and festivals throughout the entire year. To know dates and details of each single event in Orvieto, please visit the Orvieto Events page

Corpus Domini (Corpus Christi)

A historic and religious event where the sacred cloth, Sacro Corporale is accompanied by a historical procession of medieval costumes. The procession is composed of all the municipal courts of the time, coats of arms, and weapons of the noble families of Orvieto. All of this happens with a beautiful backdrop of Oriveto’s stunning scenery, offering a charming and unforgettable spectacle. The day before Corpus Domini there is a Corteo delle Dame e dei Popolani (Parade of Ladies and Peasants) where the participants are dressed in medieval costumes.

Festa della Palombella

A traditional festival in Orvieto that takes place on Pentecost Day. According to this religious event a dove representing the “Holy Spirit” flies in a special carrier from the Via Maitani into the Duomo square, just in front of the cathedral. During this celebration the beautiful Piazza del Duomo hosts hundreds of people to celebrate this important Catholic feast in Orvieto. The Palombella feast event is followed by another popular event in the same day. This event is called the “Palio della Palombella”. The Palombella feast is one of the oldest event of Orvieto.

The Presepe nel Pozzo (Nativity in the Well)

A traditional and charming depiction of the Nativity set in the etruscan origin Well of Pozzo della Cava in Via della Cava, one the most interesting and ancient streets of OrvietoIt is a thrilling sight to be seen and is held in a unique environment that enhances the solemnity and beauty of this sacred representation. This event usually starts before Christmas and ends after January 6th.

Orvieto in Fiore

Since  1404, which is celebrated on the occasion of Pentecost, the descent of the Palombella a symbolic representation of the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles (wanted by the ancient and noble family Monaldeschi). This weekend in this traditional religious festival is accompanied by the event “Orvieto in Flower” and the city is dressed in bright and fragrant flowers with colors that represent the history of the four quarters; on the occasion of this event is held the “Palio delle Infiorate e dei  Balestrieri”, in addition to the preparation of an exhibition floriculture market.

Umbria Jazz Winter

Great five day event for jazz music lovers. This festival includes a series of concerts held in historic buildings throughout Orvieto.
Many popular, and world-renowned jazz musicians play at this event and a spectacular gospel concert held in the Duomo, is just one of the highlights of this international festival. The Umbria Jazz international network is one of the most important jazz music festivals in Italy. Beside the winter Orvieto festival, in summer there is the Umbria Jazz festival in Perugia. For more information and program details visit the official webiste:

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Lo staff Orvietoviva è composto da professionisti nati ad Orvieto e che vivono in città. Competenza e passione per far conoscere Orvieto in tutti suoi aspetti.
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