From Orvieto-Ciconia to Corbara Lake

  • Starting point: Orvieto-Ciconia
  • Total distance: approx. 16 km
  • Maximum altitude: Camorena-bivio per Canino 260 mt ca.
  • Interesting sights: Cippo dei 7 Martiri, Porto romano di Pagliano
  • Destination: Corbara-Lago di Corbara

Starting from the center of Orvieto go off the rock following to Ciconia (just below the cliff), take the paved road towards Corbara-Camorena. The first stretch is almost completely flat until “Cippo dei 7 Martiri” is on the left, a monument in memory of the martyrs of the World War II. From here it begins a climb (about 2 kms). After the climb you find yourselves in the midst of a gentle cultivated landscape, from there take a long descent with hairpin bends and small straights.

After this part we arrive at a house used to farm and from there continue straight. After a short distance, and some up and down, there is a large flat area with few turns and long straights where you can already see in the distance the shape of the Corbara lake dam.

In this area on the right is a tourist sign indicating the presence of the Roman Port of Pagliano, an archaeological area where excavations are still in place, but much of the site has been excavated so that you can glimpse the remains of what it was in Roman times: an important river port on the point where the Paglia river meets the Tiber river.


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