Orvieto – History & Art

Orvieto boasts a great patrimony of art and history. The city has ancient origins and was the important Etruscan city (Velzna) with evidence of this period in the city center  with the Necropolis and Temple of Belvedere, and just outside the city the Etruscan Tombs of Hescanas and Golini, and archaeological area of Campo della Fiera. Orvieto was also a powerful medieval Comune whose territories extended to the Tyrrhenian coast (Orbetello). Linked to the medieval period are some important city monuments such as the Duomo, Palazzo del Popolo, St. Patrick’s Well and beautiful noble palaces.
The Duomo in particular contains works of art sculptures and paintings of great value, in particular the San Brizio Chapel with the frescoes by Luca Signorelli that were studied by Michelangelo for his Sistine Chapel creation.

In addition to Signorelli’s masterpieces, other art work worth a seeing are paintings like the “Madonna con il Bambino” by Simone Martini (Museo dell’Opera del Duomo), the “Madonna dei Raccomandati” by Lippo Memmi and the frescoes with the Miracolo di Bolsena cycle by Ugolino di Prete Ilario (inside the Chapel of the Corporal). While among the sculptures: the Pieta by Ippolito Scalza (inside the cathedral) and the sculpture of the Annunciation by Francesco Mochi (in the church of St. Agostino).
Do not miss the Archaeological Museum of Orvieto, which houses the painted Etruscan walls found in the Tomb Golini: a rarity of the panorama of the history of this civilization.

Also in this museum and at the Museo Faina you can admire a large exposition of vases and bronzes from the Etruscan age.


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Lo staff Orvietoviva è composto da professionisti nati ad Orvieto e che vivono in città. Competenza e passione per far conoscere Orvieto in tutti suoi aspetti.
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