
Churches of Orvieto

interno chiesa san giovenale

On this page the main churches of Orvieto are indicated, but throughout the cliff there are many of different eras (Medieval and Renaissance periods) and style. Some of them are also difficult to see nowadays as they are deconsecrated and almost concealed between the houses and buildings of the historic center.

The large presence of places of worship in Orvieto is mainly due to the past of belonging to the Papal State and the consequent frequentation of the city by numerous popes of history. In fact Orvieto was an important retreat of many popes who chose the city because it was naturally very safe.

Other churches of Orvieto still clearly visible in the city must be mentioned:

Church of San Lodovico, this beautiful church in Piazza Ranieri opposite the former church of Carmine (this is now a theater and event space) is located near a majestic monastery structure and its altar Maggiore is dedicated to S.Ludovico Vescovo.

Church of San Rocco, this small church is located in front of the Palazzo del Popolo and is now unused if not occasionally to host small exhibitions and events. It is one of the three churches that garrisoned the square along with those of San Bernardo and San Leonardo.

Chiesa degli Scalzi, a recently restored Renaissance church located in the beautiful Piazza Ippolito Scalza.

Church of the Madonna del Velo, a cave church dated 1751 and which after various forms of use, has been restored and is now the seat and observatory of the Orvieto environmental archaeological park. In fact, the church is located, curiously “leaning” against the tufaceous cliff and on the stretch of the ring of the cliff.

Church of San Bernardino, this church is located near Piazza Marconi and is “united” to the beautiful Crispo-Marsciano palace.

Church of San Giacomo all’Ospedale, the small church on Piazza Duomo that is no longer used except as a temporary exhibition venue.

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Lo staff Orvietoviva è composto da professionisti nati ad Orvieto e che vivono in città. Competenza e passione per far conoscere Orvieto in tutti suoi aspetti.
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