
From Orvieto take the SS Cassia road towards Viterbo, which goes through Buonviaggio (where you can enjoy beautiful views of Orvieto), and follow the signs towards Bolsena.
Within minutes you reach the Etruscan origin town (see the archaeological ruins of Volsini Nova), which gives its name to the lake. Bolsena like Orvieto, has Etruscan origins, and is linked to the religious event, the Miracolo di Bolsena. Today Bolsena is small, but very popular with tourists, not only for the lake, but also for the presence of cultural attractions such as the Museo Territoriale that houses Castello Monaldeschi and the majestic basilica di Santa Cristina.

  • Museo territoriale ed Acquario di Bolsena
  • Rocca Monaldeschi della Cervara Piazza Monaldeschi, 1 – Bolsena
  • Tel. (+39) 0761.798630
  • E-mail: museo@comunebolsena.it

22 km ca.

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