Musei Archeologici Civico e Faina


April-September: 9.30am – 6.00pm
October-March: 10.00am – 5.00pm
Closed: Tuesday

Ticket: € 6,00
Reduced ticket (senior, groups, students) € 4,00
Free for children 0-10 y.o.

This museum shows the most meaningful Etruscan objects found in the Orvieto area. The museum begins with an amazing coin room, then follows to the Chiusi vases and the Attic style vases with black and red figures. Among the objects in this room, are three unique amphors, built by Exekias, the best Attic pottery designer for the black figures technique.  Among them the Venere di Cannicella (Venus), the warrior head-shaped Cippo, and the Belvedere Temple front decoration.

On the second floor, many objects are placed in a chronological order: prehistoric and protostoric materials are placed before the bucchero section. Then other secions follow: red and black attic pieces, Etruscan bronzes. Three sections are dedicated to the Etruscan ceramic art. A marble torso ends the itinerary. The second floor also has a wonderful gallery that offers a spectacular view of the Duomo.

The Civic Museum is located on the ground floor, which is composed of three big areas, in order to collect the antiquities during the Nineteenth Century thanks to the town hall of Orvieto.

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