Merletto di Orvieto di Lovisa Loretta

Via della Cava 115 - Orvieto

Artistic work of handcrafted traditional Orvieto lace. Wedding favors, center pieces and other typical products of the tradition of Orvieto merletto.

Loretta Lovisa lives and works in Orvieto. Having always been interested in craftwork and in trying different artistic techniques, she began, self taught, in the making of various handicrafts. In 1999 after having taken a course recognized by the province of Terni she opened a workshop-school. The motivations which encouraged her to open this workshop are: to revalue, to restore and to maintain alive the art of Orvieto lace and one of the objectives is to make young people aware of an important sphere which could create concrete working opportunities.

It is for this reason that she has set up courses directed to the teaching and to the dissemination of the history and technique of Orvieto lace. Knowing well that the lace of Orvieto represents a cultural heritage of the traditions of Orvieto, she is active not only in the promotion of the lace but also of the city itself and of its typical products by taking part in exhibitions, conferences, competitions and demonstrations of topical work.


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