Orvieto’s Lumachella

Orvieto is the headquarters for the Cita’ Slow International circuit, and the symbol of this circuit espousing a philosophy of “slow food” a concept related to a dimension devoted to pleasure and knowing how to enjoy the quietly fullness of what the city offers.

It represents a suggestion to appreciate with full sensory participation both the historical and artistic beauty and the taste of its traditional products. Among the traditional food of Orvieto, the Lumachella (the name means small snail, in fact it has the shape of a snail) is a must, as a snack, as an appetizer, served hot or cold, each moment of the day it is great. It is a traditional bakery product prepared with a dough of flour and warm water, with olive oil, lard, pecorino cheese, pepper, salt and bacon or ham.

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Lo staff Orvietoviva è composto da professionisti nati ad Orvieto e che vivono in città. Competenza e passione per far conoscere Orvieto in tutti suoi aspetti.
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