Fortezza Albornoz

fortezza Albornoz orvieto

May-September:  8.00am – 7.30pm
October-April:  8.00am – 4.30pm

Free entrance

"A medieval fortress with panoramic gardens"

This is a castle or fortress accessible from Piazza Cahen, which now houses beautiful public gardens. Originally the fort had a moat and drawbridge, while today only a portion of the fortress still stands with a great tower overlooking the ancient entrance to the city with a steep path descends to Orvieto Scalo.

From the gardens which once housed a large amphitheater used for exhibitions and horse shows, you can enjoy a beautiful view of the valley below known as the Valley of Orvieto, and a panoramic view over the green hills surrounding the city and valley of the Paglia river. The public gardens of the city have a children’s playground. Among this gardens you can also see the original house of Luigi Barzini, a famous writer and journalist of Orvieto.

Near Fortezza Albornoz

See other “medieval symbols” of Orvieto

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