Fanum Voltumnae


Excavations are still in progress, not open. However the main objects and elements found during the excavations are now exposed at the Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Orvieto (Piazza Duomo)

"The legendary sanctuary of the Etruscans"

The excavation area called “Campo della Fiera” where excavations are still in progress, which according to a collective opinion of historians and experts are bringing to light the remains of the famous Fanum Voltumnae. The sought after Etruscan sanctuary of Vertumna, the most important site and federal sanctuary of the whole ancient league of the twelve Etruscan cities, a landmark and meeting place for all the royals of these cities.

Today it can be argued that the site is of inestimable value and importance. It has already brought to light interesting findings, such as Greek pottery, coins, jewelry, ornaments and building decorations. In particular, a long inscription has revealed the name of the Etruscan sanctuary: the “heavenly place” which critics identified with the famous archaeological Fanum Voltumnae. In the last campaign of excavation the remains of another temple were discovered (the fourth of the whole area).

This discovery adds to what has been already brought to light by excavations, namely: an ancient road 9 meters wide (dating back to the 6th century BC), the remains of ancient Roman baths, another stretch of road from medieval times and the foundation and front wall of the medieval church of San Pietro in Vetere is now fully visible (35 meters x 7 meters) with its mosaics. This church is of considerable importance because it is the only existing one in this area, at the point where the meeting took place between the relic of the Holy Corporal of the Eucharistic Miracle of Bolsena (conducted in Orvieto) and Pope Urban IV.

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