What to Do

What we suggest to do in Orvieto

If you want to visit Orvieto in the section “what to see” are listed the city monuments and main attractions. On this page instead there are both things to do by yourself as our recommended itineraries and routes and other activities and tourist services like guided tours and experiences.


City Guided Tours

For its great artistic, historical and enogastronomic heritage, there are available guided tours and themed tours or the main monuments and attractions.


Anello della Rupe

An interesting a path that goes around the entire rock of Orvieto, in a succession of hills that define the perimeter of the massive tufa rock. You can also find other suggested itineraries by foot here: https://www.orvietoviva.com/en/itineraries-by-foot-orvieto/


Wine & Food Tastings

Wine and food tastings, vineyards visit in some typical wineries, farms, shops in and around Orvieto.


Shop in the city center

Shop in Orvieto, discover traditional shops and artisans. Typical local craftsmen heritage of a long tradition in the artistic ceramic, gold, wood, lace workmanship

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Lo staff Orvietoviva è composto da professionisti nati ad Orvieto e che vivono in città. Competenza e passione per far conoscere Orvieto in tutti suoi aspetti.
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