
Castles around Orvieto

The district of Orvieto has numerous castles and fortifications from the Middle Ages, they were subject to the municipality of Orvieto and served as “first” fortifications in defense of the cliff itself. These castles were inhabited by noble families close with the political center of the city of Orvieto. Some of them are now private and therefore not internally visited, however are still well visible from outside. These castles from various periods are often placed in natural settings or small picturesque Umbrian towns which are well worth visiting. An interesting and curious route that winds a distance of a few kilometers from Orvieto and has to be done by car.

The Castles marked in red are those that were under the jurisdiction of the town of Orvieto in medieval times.

  • Castello di Tordimonte (private property)
  • Castello di San Quirico (private property)
  • Castello di Prodo (private property)
  • Castello di Corbara – Info: info@tenutadicorbara.it

Other castels and fortifications in the territory:

  • Castello di Parrano (private property)
  • Castello della Sala – Info: www.antinori.it
  • Castel Rubello (private property)
  • Castello di Montalfina (private property)
  • Castello di Guardea (private property)
  • Castello di Alviano (private property)
  • Castello di Carnaiola (private property)
  • Castello di Castelviscardo – Info: info@comune.castelviscardo.tr.it
  • Castello di Torre Alfina – Info: info@castellotorrealfina.com
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Lo staff Orvietoviva è composto da professionisti nati e che vivono ad Orvieto per poter raccontare al meglio con passione e competenza la propria città in tutti i suoi molteplici aspetti.
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