Cantina Custodi

Viale Venere, Canale - Orvieto

Cantina Custodi  is situated on the hills of Orvieto in the locality of ”Canale”, a well-known area among the people of Orvieto because of its fertile land used in vine growing. It covers a surface of about 70 hectares carefully cultivated as olive groves, sowable land and vineyards. Of the 37 hectares dedicated to the cultivation of vines at least half produce D.O.C. grapes used for the production of ”Orvieto Classico” wine, the rest is used to produce ”Sangiovese” and other highly prestigious non autochtonous vines such as: Chardonnay, Sauvignon Blanc, Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon and Cabernet Franc which all derive from a careful selection of clones. The winery offer wine tasting and tour


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