
An incredible surprise

An incredible surprise, given the fact that I was recommended a visit to Orvieto and I had no idea what to expect. My friends told me to spend a couple of nights in this magic town and they set the bar very high. As a matter of fact, as soon as I arrived in Orvieto, the bar disintegrated. I consider Orvieto one of the most charming, authentic, liveable towns I have ever visited (I have travelled quite a lot all over the world for work and leisure). I believe that to fully understand Italy and its wonderful people, Orvieto is a must-visit. Allow yourself at least two nights to enjoy this jewel. Grazie, Orvieto!



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Lo staff Orvietoviva è composto da professionisti nati e che vivono ad Orvieto per poter raccontare al meglio con passione e competenza la propria città in tutti i suoi molteplici aspetti.
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