Italian coffee or aperitivo? Place for breakfast or after dinner?
Leisure, bars, cafes and entertainment in Orvieto: Orvieto and its surrounding areas have many activities where you can spend time relaxing and enjoying great snacks and drinks. For those who like music, good food and local wines below is a list of bars, cafes, cocktail and wine bars, live music pubs. Places where you can have a morning breakfast, a quick snack, classic aperitivo or an after dinner moment having a good drink!
Also on this page, for those who love sports you can find information about other entertainment and recreational place: cinema, theater, gyms and sports facilities in Orvieto.
Entertainment and Recreation
Other useful information about how to spend your free time in Orvieto, sport activities and entertainment:
Teatro Mancinelli
The theatre of the city, a nice palace built in 1863 and furnished in a typical italian style. This theatre dedicated to the musician/director Luigi Mancinelli and has around 500 seats.
- Address: Corso Cavour, 122 – Orvieto
- Tel. (+39) 0763.340422
- E-mail: info@teatromancinelli.it
Cinema Corso
This cinema set in the picturesque small square of largo de’Cartari, is near the main road Corso Cavour. It has two movie screens.
- Address: Largo de’ Cartari 33
- Tel. (+39) 0763.344655
Libraries in Orvieto
- NUOVA BIBLIOTECA L.FUMI DI ORVIETO – Tel. (+39) 0763.306450 – Piazza Febei – Orvieto. A modern library set just next to the church of San Francesco.
- BIBLIOTECA CICONIA – Via degli Aceri – Ciconia
- BIBLIOTECA ORVIETO SCALO – Via S. Anna – Orvieto Scalo
Sports facilities in Orvieto and surroundings
- STADIO COMUNALE “L.MUZI” – Località La Svolta – Tel. (+39) 0763.301456
- CAMPI DA TENNIS (coperti) – Stadio L.Muzi – Località La Svolta
- CAMPI DA TENNIS (scoperti) – Circolo Tennis, P.zza Cahen – Orvieto Centro
- CAMPI DA TENNIS (scoperti) – Circolo Mercedari, Via Soliana – Orvieto Centro
- CICLODROMO – Via Monte Peglia – Orvieto Scalo
- SCUOLA DI EQUITAZIONE – Via Monte Peglia – Orvieto Scalo
- CAMPO DA CALCIO “DE MARTINO” – Via Monte Peglia – Orvieto Scalo
- CAMPO DA CALCIO SFERRACAVALLO – Via Tevere – Sferracavallo
- CAMPO DA CALCIO A 6 – Via degli Aceri – Ciconia
- CAMPO DA CALCIO A 5 – Località La Svolta
- CAMPO DA CALCIO A 5 – Parco Fluviale del Paglia (Via dei Tigli) – Ciconia
- CAMPO DA CALCIO A 5 – Via Piave – Sferracavallo
- PISCINA COMUNALE – Località La Svolta – Tel. (+39) 0763.305644
- PATTINAGGIO – Parco Fluviale del Paglia (Via dei Tigli) – Ciconia
- PISTE DEL RUZZOLONE – Parco Fluviale del Paglia (Via dei Tigli) – Ciconia
- TIRO A SEGNO – Via Sette Martiri, 98 – Orvieto Scalo
- CENTRO CANOTTAGGIO – Località Salviano, zona Lago di Corbara