Hotel Palazzo Piccolomini ★★★★

hotel orvieto centro storico
Piazza de'Ranieri 36 - Orvieto

4 star hotel in an elegant historic building in the center of Orvieto. Rooms with air conditioning, digital TV, safes, mini-bar, very close to the city’s lifts and escalators and well connected to the Campo della Fiera car park.

In total the Hotel has 7 junior suites, 21 double rooms, 1 bedroom quadruple, single rooms, study and an exclusive deluxe Suite with living room of 70 m2. All with air conditioning, digital TV, Sky channels, disabled access, conference rooms, TV room, breakfast room, bar, cellar, secure parking and free wireless service.

10% discount off on a minimum expense of € 90,00 – DOWNLOAD THE COUPON HOTEL PICCOLOMINI


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