Hotel Valentino ★★★

Via Angelo da Orvieto 30/32 - Orvieto

In the heart of Orvieto’s old town centre, Hotel Valentino will be your base for an unforgettable holiday in Umbria – a mix of history, art and natural wonders. A sophisticated place within walking distance of the splendid Cathedral, which you can even see from the windows of our rooms, settled comfortably in a restored Renaissance palazzo on an enchanting typical road with a medieval air.

Hotel Valentino Orvieto provides 19 rooms that fit in with the valuable old property, equipped with every comfort and designed to ensure you have a totally relaxing stay.
Our hotel in the centre of Orvieto is dominated by the brilliant white of the marble in the lobby, embellished with plants and delicately coloured walls. We offer various facilities, including free Wi-Fi throughout the hotel, garage spaces on request and a bar.

Come and discover the convenience of visiting Orvieto right from its splendid heart, for a holiday surrounded by artistic wonders you will never forget.

10% discount on a minimum expense of € 110,00 – DOWNLOAD THE COUPON HOTEL VALENTINO


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